Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I apply to your college degree program?
A: I'm glad that you asked! It's easy. Just click on this link: "ENROLL NOW" or the button at the bottom of the Home page.

Q: Can I just take individual classes?
A: Yes! You do not have to enroll in a program to take individual classes. Just click on this link Registration Form or the link on the side menu.

Q: If I have an associates degree already, do I need to enroll in the associates program?
A: No. If you currently have any degree, you can qualify to enroll in the next degree program. (For example: If you currently have an associates degree (in any major), you can apply to the Bachelor's program.)

Q: Do I need to pay tuition for the associates program?
A: Currently, the associates program is tuition FREE. You are only required to pay the application fee.

Q: Can I get financial aid through your college?
A: Unfortunately, we do not offer federal financial aid at this time. We do however provide you with payment assistance at a low or non-interest rate. Call us for more information 559.740.7741.

Q: Are classes entirely online?
A: Yes! Our classes are entirely online. We do also provide on-ground or hybrid classes for organizations. In addition to on-ground seminars/workshops.

Q: Can I make payments on the tuition?
A: Yes. We can provide you with a payment plan that meets your need. We will work with you to help you obtain your goal! Contact us for more information 559.740.7741.

Q: Do I have to pay for books?
A: The majority of our classes have e-books available in the class for free. However, a few classes will require book purchases (but used books are acceptable).

Q: Are you on a quarter or semester schedule?
A: We are on a semester system (for grading purposes), but we have classes/seminars/workshops all year round. Whenever you register, you'll most likely be placed in a class that same semester.

Q: Isn't bible college for ministers and clergy?
A: No. The Bible tells us that we must ALL "study to show ourselves approved of God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15). Every Christian is commissioned to "preach the gospel" (Mark 16:15). In order to share God's Word, we must ALL know it.