Students can show the level of knowledge they have acquired in different subject areas through standardized tests and potentially earn credit for class equivalency.
Instructor navigating Edutraining class
Downloading Moodle app
Note: Instructors can only view student discussions or quiz, but cannot grade, message, or edit in the class within the app.
Managing Sections/Topics in the class
Viewing Student Access Records
Grading must be conducted on a weekly basis, beginning the day after the due date of an assignment. Use the Rubrics for standard discussions and essay/paper assignments. (Reports, essays, papers are all considered "assignments" and must be emailed to "" for review and grading. Instructors will have their own folder to put the submitted assignments in.)
If a student is enrolled in a three unit class, they can expect six to nine hours of homework a week. For a two unit class the workload will be between four and six hours a week. Total time required to complete coursework varies according to the individual, but the average time commitment for a three-credit-hour class would be 12 hours a week, including online time if required. Regular submission of work is required.
Some courses require students to meet frequent deadlines (such as weekly due dates), while others offer flexibility as to when assignments can be submitted. In most courses, students must submit minimum required assignments as specified by the instructor to avoid being administratively withdrawn from the course. Students should be sure to read all course information carefully when the course begins to understand the deadlines that apply in each course they are taking through MCBC.
A = 4.0
A- = 3.7
B = 3.0
B-= 2.7
C+ = 2.5
C = 2.0
Note: Below "C-" is unacceptable for college level work and receives an incomplete.
The Academic Advisors will meet with students if they are referred by their instructor, or with students who desire additional advising. Entering students meet with an Academic Advisor for an initial interview and course selection. For more information on our degree programs, you may contact one of our Academic Advisors by emailing the Registrar's Office.
To enroll in a degree program, students must complete the Program Admissions Application Form.
For students who would only like to register for a class at a time, they must complete the Registration Form
Select and download forms from here.